Thursday 11 September 2008

Swear Words for Friday

What's the point of learning a language, if you don't know how to swear in it?
Worry not, I'm here to help.

*of course, this could just be my sub-conscious trying to get me fired...

Every office should have a swear jar.

Although, you shouldn't buy Bud with the money. American beer is like making love in a canoe, it's f**king close to water.

There are no swear words in America's longest running kid's show Sesame Street... or are there? Let's find out.

Wait a moment! None of these videos have had actual swear words in them!

Let's solve that right now: with a song.

That's it! I'm done. Elvis has left the building. I'm emptying my bank account and heading to Mexico for the weekend!

(where I am known as 'el professore del muchos coronas')

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