Wednesday 24 September 2008

Obama in The West Wing and Michael Moore's Slacker Uprising

So, the story goes like this..

I was at home yesterday evening when President Bush called me and said, 'TobytheTeamster I need your assistification!'

I said, 'It's teacher, and assitification is not a - oh nevermind, go on'.

'My attentionisation has been directafied to your blog!'


'Do more stories about America!'

'But you can't read.'

'Hungry hungry caterpillar!'

And with that, he was gone. Like an enigma, wrapped in a puzzle, trapped in a jigsaw.


What would happen if Barack Obama and the President from The West Wing TV show had a conversation?

Aaron Sorkin (writer of The West Wing) came up with this.

Meanwhile, that cheeky chappy Michael Moore is giving his film away for free on the Internet: here's the story, and here's the website:

May your days be in the mouth of a wolf!

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