Sunday 7 September 2008

Censoring Poetry...

Uh oh! Looks like the Nazis might have won the war after all... people are censoring poetry in English schools.

Here would be the poet's response

And here would be my favourite poem:


Fishermen at Ballyshannon
Netted an infant last night
Along with the salmon.
An illegitimate spawning,

A small one thrown back
To the waters. But I'm sure
As she stood in the shallows
Ducking him tenderly

Till the frozen knobs of her wrists
Were dead as the gravel,
He was a minnow with hooks
Tearing her open.

She waded in under
The sign of the cross.
He was hauled in with the fish.
Now limbo will be

A cold glitter of souls
Through some far briny zone.
Even Christ's palms, unhealed,
Smart and cannot fish there.

By Seamus Heaney


Anonymous said...

perhaps you are a bit slow today?? heheehe...but yeah...i can see where the slight mix-up could be...;)


tobytheteacher said...

Me? Slow? ...only when called for ;)