Friday, 16 October 2009

A Natural Death for Jan Moir?

People of the World! Looking for an excuse to hate the English? Here's one: Jan Moir's hateful article about Stephan Gately's death.

We English
get a lot of justifiable abuse about being a nation of football hooligans with rubbish food, but 'the middle English' seem to escape being stereotyped & abused by other nationalities.

Is it because they're so desperately polite when they come to your countries? Don't be fooled by it, they despise you every bit as much as the hooligan. You should hear the things they say about you, once they've returned to the safety of leafy suburbia. They provide the words for the hooligan's marching tune.

Those passively aggressive polite little village hate-mongers with their faux moralizing. And what do you get when you boil down all the twee suggestion and mock-polite innuendo? Their belief that England would be a lot better of if we were all white, christian, and heterosexual.

But if they're right (excuse the pun), why do they feel the need to disguise their message? Have you ever noticed how it's only the hateful that need to dress their beliefs up in fake polite & pseudo-moral tones? The good simply speak from the heart.

To finish
, here's an excellent response to Jan's dross posted on the Enemies of Reason blog. A very good excuse for the people of the world to not hate the English: we do at least pick ourselves up on our sh*t.

*If you're on Facebook, you can register your complaint here.


Unknown said...

Great to see the reaction to this evil women, but whats with the 'all middle England is evil' nonsense. Dig a little deeper and you'll find; a) Many of those that despise the Moir article are from the Middle England you appear to know so well b) Having lived and worked in many countries around the world, there's nothing unique to England about the ignorant attitudes you mention. Dont make sweeping generalisations, it undermines your argument, its also ironically, something you'll read frequently in the Daily Mail

tobytheteacher said...

Hi Robert,

First of all, let me thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I really appreciate it.

If I may, I'll deal with your second point first. Yes it's true, the ignorant attitudes I mention are present in many, probably all the countries of the world (plenty of them knocking around here in Luxembourg). But I don't come from those countries, so I don't feel it's my place to criticize them. I'm English, I criticize my own.

To your first point of making generalisations that undermine my arguement, I believe you're proceeding from a false premise: I'm not interested in wining the arguement, only in expressing my opinion.

I could have written the piece in a faux balanced way, but that would have been a lie on my part. I believe freedom of speech is about all of us stating as loudly and as clearly what we believe.

*Democracy is us then all listening to each other (that would be the hard part). Civilization comes if we manage to find a compromise between all those voices (the hardest part).

You've presumed to tell me how to write, which I don't think you should have done. I think you should have stuck with expressing your disagreement, which I can accept.

Ultimately if you disagree with my writing, it is your responsibility to publish your own blog and write things your way.

Further to that last point, I tried to visit your profile to get a feel for who I was 'talking' to, but you don't appear to have a public profile (may have been a computer glitch, I don't know). I do think it would be a good idea to 'make yourself known', if you're going to engage with and challenge people's thoughts and beliefs. I'd really enjoy the oppotunity to read something you have written.

Thanks again for the comment! It gave me something interesting to think about this morning!