Monday 1 December 2008

The Pound Is Down

Finally, Capitalism is working for me!

The Pound is down

First the UK bank I have an overdraft with gets bought by the government... hihi.

And now, the value of the UK pound is dropping dropping dropping against the euro.

Think about it.. my overdraft is in pounds. My pay is in euros. technically, my overdraft is reducing. Nice.

..of course, when all the banks in Luxembourg review their training budget - I'm boned.

..but until then, let the good times roll!


Yvonne said...

Whoops, didn't mean to freak you out - banks might be able to go without compliance training, but they'll always need English-speaking staff!

tobytheteacher said...

..oh no worries. It wasn't so much because of what you said - just something that's in the air at the moment.

You know how I like to use humour as a stress relief.. or to express my thoughts, opinions, emotions... etc.. ;)