Friday 12 June 2009

Which Sex in the City Character are you?

I'm ill at home. And like anyone who's ill at home, I'm bored and looking for things to occupy my time. But I have no energy, so they have to be simple things.

I just took the 'Which Sex in the City character are you?' test on facebook. The result is that I'm Carrie. I'm quirky, witty, and every guy's perfect first date.

Does this explain my love life (or lack thereof)? Should I have been dating men? Does facebook know something I don't? I doubt it.

Honestly, I'm a little surprised that I'm Carrie. Not that I particularly expected to be one of the other girls. But that I've only seen the show once or twice, and each time I found Carrie to be really irritating: self involved, over analytical, neurotic and convinced that she and she alone had the theories that explained the world around her.

All of which, now I come to think about it, could be said about me. Maybe facebook does know something I don't?


Lores said...

Facebook knows a lot of things that us mortals don' can recommend friends...targets advertising...and knows which TV characters you are

Catch ya later Caz!

tobytheteacher said...

It's the new religion.